Pianist, Cellist and Composer, he is Yamaha Artist since 2016 with his CD “Flyaway” for Sony Music. Born in Rome in 1969, Piero Salvatori takes part in numerous concerts and records albums with jazz artists such as Bollani, Caine, Marcotulli, and Pieranunzi. He also had a strong collaboration with the famous jazz trumpeter Paolo Fresu. In 2013, Piero wrote the music for the ballet star Roberto Bolle solo in the “Bolle and Friends” show. In 2015, he starred on the stage of Milan’s Auditorium in the “Milano Solo” project, playing cello and piano on his own Music, composed by himself.
He played in theatres during readings and performances by actors and celebrities including Arnoldo Foà, Ugo Pagliai, and Michele Serra.
In his early career, Piero is a very prolific concert performer as Principal Cellist with various Italian Orchestras, in fact he also won numerous awards and accolades. Since 1996, he has featured in many Rai and Mediaset television broadcasts in Italy, collaborating on the productions, recordings and tours of numerous artists including Claudio Baglioni, Adriano Celentano, Riccardo Cocciante, Lucio Dalla, Gino Paoli, Ornella Vanoni, Renato Zero.